库拉索芦荟 - 芦荟汇聚地!


> 知识库 芦荟君 2024-10-16 23:51


  即使梦想还没有实现,在将来的某一天也一定会实现的。下面是我给大家整理的在将来的英文短语的相关知识,供大家参阅!   在将来的英文短语篇1   你认为什么会是在将来可以期待的?   What do you think should be expected in the future?   可能你会找到你的专业和其他行业间的联系,而这种联系很可能在将来就是一段创造性的合作关系建立的基础。   Or you might well find new linkages between your own industry and the new one, linkages thatmight well be the basis of innovative partnerships in the future.   非常希望浏览器在将来不会有这样的问题。   Hopefully, browsers will not have this problem in the future.   这个替换过程在将来是一定会实现,否则我们将像加利福尼亚州所经历的那样受限制于能源短缺。   This replacement will have to be done in the future or we will be subject to shortage of powerlike California. has experienced.   朝着这个目标,你会期望每个服务(不论新旧)在将来都是可以重用的。   Toward that end, you want each service - new or existing - to be reusable in the future.   你对其他玩家的感觉会更加积极,你会更加信任他们,而且你对他们的优势和弱点会有更深的认识,因此在将来你能够更好跟他们合作和工作。   You feel more positive about them, you trust them more, and you have a better sense of theirstrengths and weaknesses, so you’re better able to work and collaborate with them in the future.   但是他们在将来可能会减少购买美国债券。比如中国现在就正在将其外汇储备多元化。   But they would be reluctant to hold as much in the future; some, like China, are alreadydiversifying their reserves.   她对这样的修饰完善欣喜万分,并计划在将来继续下去,继续进行美容手术。   She is so happy with the modification that she is planning to go further and have surgery in thefuture.   把焦点集中在你能控制的事情上—你可能不中意自己的收入,但是你可以改善自己的资历,这样你就可以在将来得到一份更好的工作。   Focus more on what you can control than on what you can't control - You might not like yourincome but you can improve your credentials so you will get a better job in the future.   即便如此,研究还是显示了像胰岛素这样的能量传感器能够对生殖有直接影响,也许给了人们在将来治疗不孕症方面新的视角,劳森说。   The study nevertheless shows that an energy sensor such as insulin can have a direct effect onreproduction and may give new insights into how infertility may be treated in the future, Lawsonsays.   作业计划和有效期:可以让作业立即可用,或者在将来的某个时间点可用。   Job scheduling and expiration: You can make jobs available immediately or at some point in thefuture.   使用模板方法实现中介模式的桥接角色,这种做法提供了一种可以在将来添加外部通信备用类型的机制。   Using the template method for implementing the bridge role of the broker pattern provided amechanism for adding alternative types of external communication in the future.   “也许在将来,我们能够找到一个方法来减少患心脏病的风险,或是通过”逆转细胞衰老“的方法为渠道来治疗这种疾病。”   Perhaps in the future one of the ways we try to reduce the risk of, or treat, heart disease would be to use an 'anti-ageing' approach for our arteries.   “也许在将来,我们能够找到一个方法来减少患心脏病的风险,或是通过”逆转细胞衰老“的方法为渠道来治疗这种疾病。”   Perhaps in the future one of the ways we try to reduce the risk of, or treat, heart disease would be to use an 'anti-ageing' approach for our arteries.   在将来的英文短语篇2   “我能理解为什么像我这样老的人群在将来会成为一种难题,”安原女士说道,“你看看周围,日本有太多太多老人了。   "I can see why people like me might be a problem in the future," Yasuhara says. "Look aroundyou; there are too many old people in Japan.   我已经在法庭中为了这个原则而战斗过,在将来也会继续如此。   I have already fought for that principle in court and will do so again in the future.   你的性格,你目前的技能,你在将来获取和发展新技能的能力,以及你的生活工作经历,所有这些东西加在一起,共同构成你对新情况的适应能力。   Your character, your present skill, your capacity to develop and acquire new skills in the future,and your history of living all combine to make up what you bring to new situations.   你愿意在将来见到更多心智信息吗?   Would you like more PsychBytes in the future?   这些期货合约实际上是约定在将来某个时候以特定价格买进或卖出的协议。   The futures contracts are agreements to buy or sell at a certain price at a point in the future.   我希望在将来看到这类游戏不仅仅传达社会的变迁,还可以让玩家直接参与到令人振奋的活动中。   What I hope to see in the future are games used not only for messaging around social change,but also inspiring direct action.   这些可能是测量错误或者是真正的不一致,但都会导致异常,这些异常要被管理并可能在将来被审查。   There can be measurement errors, genuine discrepancies, … which all lead to exception whichneed to be managed and can possibly be audited in the future.   在初步了解他们和他们的生活后,在将来你可以与他们更多地交谈。   After learning a little about them and their lives, you can have more conversations with them in the future.   此外,站点并没有特别说明是否会在将来增加其它课程,但那样做的可能性非常大。   Also, the website does not specify if other courses will be added in the future, but that’s highly probable.   但是,这一点在将来可能会发生改变,因为要求改变的政治压力越来越大。   But this could change in the future, as political pressure for such an outcome appears to begrowing.   就像我先前提到的那样,我们不能100%肯定某一个决定是否是正确的,因为它只在将来产生影响。   As I noted earlier, we cannot know with 100 percent certainty that any decision is correctbecause it's implemented in the future.   在将来的英文短语篇3   1. A contract signed now might be invalidated at some future date.   现在签订的合同可能在将来的某一天就会失效。   2. At a future date, managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out.   在将来的某天,经理们将受邀进行管理层收购。   3. Hopefully, that will have a deterrent effect on drug syndicates in the future.   希望这能在将来对贩毒集团起到威慑作用。   4. How rigorously the test will be applied in future cases is unclear.   现在还不清楚在将来的案例中,对这种检验的运用能严厉到何种程度.   5. They did not expect their children to make sacrifices for them later.   他们并不指望子女在将来为他们做出牺牲.   6. Banks retain youngsters'loyalty and continued patronage in the future.   银行获得孩子们的信任,使他们在将来继续惠顾银行.   7. There it lay , fixed in future times, preceding death as surely as 99 precedes 100.   在将来的某个时候, 这样的恐怖准出现在死亡的前面,一如九十九准出现在一百的前面.   8. But these were values only to be tested and known in the future.   但是这些价值只有在将来才能得到印证和了解.   9. There was still such an evil hanging over in the hour of explanation with Harriet.   在将来要向赫蕊埃特解释的时候,却仍有一种不幸在威胁着她.   10. Thus, when a person saves, he plans to be better off in the future.   因此, 当一个人储蓄时, 他计划在将来过得更好.   11. I got to know what kind of knowledge was needed in my future work.   我知道在将来的工作中我需要哪些知识.   12. Randomized studies can address these issues in the future.   对这个问题在将来可进行随机化研究.   13. This is to ensure that no single party can later change constitution.   这是为了确保没有单独的政党在将来能够改动宪法.   14. I still will probably change actual tax amount, to balance it.   我在将来可能会改变税收以平衡游戏.   15. In the future, people may heat their homes with atomic power.   在将来, 人们可能用原子能发电来保持屋内的温度.   


在将来英语短语有:In the future、at a later 、into the future等。例如:Future updates to the iPhone and Android software will allow texters to choose between genders. 在将来苹果和安卓系统的新版本中,这些角色都有男女两种性别可选择。以下是在将来英语短语相关例句的相关介绍:The schools would produce the people who would then become parts of the bureaucratic administrative machine. 学校会培养这些人,他们会在将来成为公务员体系一分子。let us unite in fervently commending very interest of our beloved country in all future time.让我们在将来任何时候团结在一起,热情赞赏我们可爱祖国的每一利益。Suddenly she stopped and turned to me.Miss Havisham may want us to spend more time together in future.突然,她停住脚步转向我,郝薇香小姐可能让我们在将来一起度过更多的时光。 以上资料参考百度百科——在将来

in future和in the future的区别是什么?

in the future 与in future区别主要在意思和读音的不同。具体如下:1、意思不同in future的意思是从今以后,往后,是不久以后的意思;in the future意思是在未来,在将来强调的是长远的未来。2、读音不同in future:英 [in ˈfju:tʃə] 美 [ɪn ˈfjutʃɚ]。in the future:英 [in ðə ˈfju:tʃə] 美 [ɪn ði ˈfjutʃɚ]。相关短语:1、in future短语。far in the future 表示时间上离现在很远。orders in the future 以后的订单。In the future learning 在今后学习中。In the future prospects 未来景象。In the future study 在以后的学习中。lay in the future 为以后打下基础。task in the future 今后的任务。that in the future 在你未来的日子里。In Our Future Development 作为中国发展。2、in the future短语。in n the future 在未来 ; 在将来。in the immediate future 在不远的将来 ; 不久的将来 ; 当下。far in the future 表示时间上离现在很远。orders in the future 以后的订单。In the future learning 在今后学习中。In the future prospects 未来景象。In the future study 在以后的学习中。lay in the future 为以后打下基础。task in the future 今后的任务。

in future和in the future有什么区别?

1、意思不同in future的意思是从今以后,往后,是不久以后的意思。in the future意思是在未来,在将来强调的是长远的未来。2、目的性不同in the futurein future:是”今后“的意思,即”从现在开始的所有未来时间“,没有目的性。in the future:是指”未来“,强调”未来的某一个时间段内或时刻“,带有目的性。3、造句不同in future:Crime driver In Future 未来犯罪驾驶 ; 游戏介绍in the future:in the immediate future 在不远的将来 ; 不久的将来 ; 当下 ; 在不久的将来

in future 和 in the future的区别

一、意思不同in future的意思是从今以后,往后,是不久以后的意思;in the future意思是在未来,在将来强调的是长远的未来。1、We expect better of you in the future 我们希望将来你有更大的成就。2、The longer you have been in shape in the past, the quicker you will regain fitness in future 过去健美身形保持的时间越长,将来身材恢复得就越快。二、读音不同in future:英 [in ˈfju:tʃə] 美 [ɪn ˈfjutʃɚ] in the future:英 [in ðə ˈfju:tʃə] 美 [ɪn ði ˈfjutʃɚ] 1、In the future the machines will need spare parts and maintenance. 这些机器将来会需要备件和维修保养。2、People who marry into the Royal Family will have to be vetted much more carefully in future. 那些与皇室成员结婚的人未来将受到更细致的调查。扩展资料近义词:一、from now on英 [frɔm nau ɔn] 美 [frʌm naʊ ɑn] adv.从现在开始;从此;从今以后;往后It's getting colder and colder from now on. 往后的天气越来越冷了。二、in the days to come英 [in ðə deɪz tu: kʌm] 美 [ɪn ði dez tu kʌm] 将来,今后May God protect each and every one of us, may He guide me in the days to come. 愿上帝保信我们大家和每一个人,愿上帝在未来的日子里指引我。


adj. 将来的n. 将来,前程,期货用法;1. future可以有in future,in the future和for the future等表达方式,但是没有for future一说:in future和for the future一般表示全部的将来,而in the future一般表示将来的某一时期。for the future常暗含“与以前不同”的意思。 2. in future和in the future都是正确的表达方式,要注意in the near future,in the distant future等词组中的the不可省略。in future表示“从今以后”,常用于含告诫意味的句子中; 3. future life常指“将来”,有时也可指“死后的生存”。 扩展资料;近义词;tomorrow英 [tə'mɒrəʊ]     美 [tə'mɔːroʊ]     adv. 明天 n. 明天;将来 用作副词时;1. tomorrow用作副词时表示将来的时间,与一般将来时连用,指从现在算起的往后的第一天,在句中主要修饰动词,多位于句末。tomorrow无比较级和最高级形式。 2. tomorrow在间接引语中应改为the next day,意思是“第二天”。用作名词时;1. tomorrow用作名词是“明天”的意思,可用在句首作主语,也可用其名词所有格作定语。 2. on the tomorrow的意思是“明天,翌日”,指从过去某一天的角度来说的“明天,翌日”,句中的谓语动词常用过去时。3. tomorrow修饰morning,afternoon,evening等在句中作状语时前面不可加介词。 4. tomorrow常用在谚语中。
