大一上学期英语学习总结 大学的学习全部都靠自觉,英语学习则需要坚持。下面是我为你整理的大一上学期英语学习总结,内容仅供参考,希望对你有帮助。 篇一:大一上学期英语学习总结 回首来,大学第一个学期就这样匆匆过去了,我大学生涯的最后一节英语课(希望是)就在这圣诞将至的欢快气氛中带着淡淡的寂寥和遗憾结束了。回想高考结束后的那个暑假,等待出分的那一个多月实在是没什么心情外出游玩,而尘埃落定后又怕在开学的英语分级考试中落后而逼着自己报了半个多月的新东方四级班,这样算来,我这个“等了十八年的joyful暑假”着实有些落魄寒酸罢。但当我在三级班名单里找到自己的名字时,我又突然觉得,All these were worthy! 英语学习,说它累人,但它却可以称得上是最好学的学科,但你若说它轻松,它却堪称是项力气活。他绝非理科那样需要沉浸在茫茫公式和题海中,又绝非文科那样在考前突击一下就可以拿到很好的分数。慢工出细活,英语最贴切的形象怕就是根iron pestle吧。时时锤日日磨,不可有一时的松懈和放弃,它才能到最后蜕变成为最完美的needle。 说了这么多大道理,我也该将自己为数不多却又保质保量的英语学习秘笈拿出来向大家分享一下了。 先说WORDS。单词可谓是英语学习中最annoying的一项了。很多人都说要每天背坚持背,但当自己做起来却很难坚持下来,但是千万别放弃,最最可靠的长期单词记忆法只有这个哦。在这里,我还要向大家推荐一种“四级应试”用的单词记忆法(只是应试,不可完全凭这个提升英语水平!): 1、将近五年来(如果实在没时间也要保证三年)的阅读真题搜集起来,将其中题干和所有选项中的生词牢记 2、将阅读题的correct answers在文章中的对应句找出,将对应句中的生词牢记 3、听力原文、选词填空和完型选项中的生词就不用我说了吧,一定要记! 再要说的就是我上了大学自己发现的一种非常好的练习听力和扩充词汇的方法——OPEN COURSES法。我想所有人都会因为大学的高等数学和线性代数叫苦不迭吧,甚至很多同学好把自己不学英语的原因归结成“把时间都用在数学上了呀”,Don’t worry, 不需抽出学习数学的时间,只需听听MIT教授的同样甚至更精彩的数学公开课,它既会提高你的数学,又会在潜移默化中提升你的英语,我敢说,没有比这更棒的了吧~ 还有一点我要隆重推荐的——China Daily 手机报!曾经,我也是试着从报摊上购买厚厚的China Daily看,但终究被密密的纯英文搞得头晕眼花,但是现在,每个月花不到5元钱,你就可以每天收到两条精美的China Daily 手机报(早晚各一条),它不仅挑选出了最吸引人的内容,还是双语的,你也就不用再头疼地来回翻查词典了,每天晚上还会有音频放送哦~几个月下来,我已经可以光看英文就读懂了八九成的news呢。 Last but not the least,我想说说辅导班的问题。虽然说自学和大学英语老师的教导是第一位的,但每周英语课实在少得可怜(以后也许还没有了呀!),and there’s no deny that,有时候没有专业老师的指导自己并不能很好地坚持和理解。新东方的经历恐怕将是我一生难忘的,风趣幽默、经历丰富的老师让我体验到English learning原来还可以如此skillful。每一项技能都由专攻此项的老师指导,使我越发深刻地理解并掌握了英语知识,受益匪浅。令我最受益的恐怕就是英文写作课了吧。 最后,感谢热情洋溢的徐老师这半年来对我们这群“初出茅庐”的.“小同学们”的悉心教导,感谢学校提供给我们这节短到意想不到的英语课。 篇二:大一上学期英语学习总结 大学英语最后一个学期的学习即将结束,回顾一年来的学习状况,感觉收获良多。 首先是英语单词的记忆。词汇是学习英语的基础,没有丰富的词汇打地基,英语的大厦是建不起来的。我从初中学英语到现在,词汇量就那么常见的几百个,老师不强制,我也不是很重视。但这个学期张雷老师采取了划分重点,触类旁通和当众鼓励的办法,让我一点点地渴望记忆更多的单词。我们十五组有许多英语高手,每次听写完后总有一两个拿满分的组员,我的基础比较差,刚开始只有十四分的样子,但榜样就在身边,我也希望能有让老师和全班同学认识我的机会,所以每次都很努力地记单词,一个学期下来,渐渐掌握了一些记单词的方法,比如,通过听、说、读、记的多方位来记单词,或者分类、分组的方式等,我从最初要花一整天的时间记一个单元的单词到只需一节课就能把单词准确无误地记下来,自己觉得进步很大,到最后,老师对优秀的同学进行表扬时,终于也有我的名字了,我感到自己的努力有了回报。 再者就是听力。我以前考听力的时候都是模模糊糊的感觉,好像脑子里一团浆糊,只能听懂大概的意思,然后蒙答案。经过一个学期的训练,我现在不仅能听清楚对话的内容,有时还能复述其中的句子。这对我这种基础差的学生来说,是一个很大的进步。这要归功于张老师的训练,老师知道会有部分学生不会自觉地去听、去练,所以在课堂上从不间断的放听力材料,并且不是放完就算了,老师还会给我们分析怎样听的方法,哪些题的错误率高,那种类型的题要多多注意等等,有时会叫同学回答问题,因为怕答不出来,所以我每次都很认真地在听。感觉我们不是单纯地在训练听力,而同时也在掌握考试方法。 最后是作文。作文是我最头疼的事情。本来我词汇就不多,再出两个语法上的错误,作文成绩就一直没上去。但张老师从基本的作文结构开始,一点一点地传授方法。虽然总体上没什么大的提升(作文要有大提升也不是短时间内解决得了的),但格式,结构,一些常见的错误还是知道了,至少考试时老师挑不出一些常识性的毛病,基本能拿个几个的分数,要知道我有一次考试只拿了三分!看出进步了吧! 其实上课的时候进步的不仅仅是英语能力,还有许多其他方面的才能。比如有一次张老师选中英文司仪,我是我们组的英文司仪,其实紧张得声音都在发抖了,但还是坚持下来了,为我们组赢得加分我很高兴,但我战胜了自己更高兴。总之,这个学期的学习是非常有成效的,希望我能继续保持这个状态。 我想给自己一个A-的分,因为我觉得学习的重点不是起点也不是终点,而是在这个过程中你掌握了什么,进步了多少,这就是我的收获! ;
大一学期英文总结:In my freshman year, I took part in suitable associations - English Association, Youth Association and friends association.At the same time, the rich lectures in the University have already become my compulsory courses. Through listening to the lectures, I realized many different things.For example; At the moment, China's situation, job interview skills, CET-4 and CET-6 skills, etc. I also participated in the campaign activities of various organizations in the school.At work, I also carefully completed the tasks assigned by the grade student union and handled various affairs, including the sketch written by our learning department for the literature and art department.Through working in the grade student union, I learned how to deal with all aspects of relations and improved my quality!大一这一年,我用心参加适宜自我的社团——英语协会、青协、交友协会。同时大学里丰富的讲座也早已成了我的必修课,透过听讲座,我认识到了许多不一样的东西。比如;此刻中国的形势、求职面试技巧、英语四六级考试技巧等。我还用心参加学校里各个组织的竞选活动。在工作上,我还用心完成年级学生会里交给的各项任务,处理好各项事务,其中包含我们学习部为文艺部写的小品稿。透过在年级学生会里工作,也是我学会了怎样处理各个方面的关系,提高了素质。总结回顾,我百感交集。展望明天,我任重道远!我想:“既然上帝让我们都能自我掌握自我的命运,那么我就必须要并且也能掌握好我的命运,我的大学将会因为我的不断回顾和展望而更加无怨无悔!
大学英语学习总结 篇一:大学英语学习总结 走进大学,英语学习是必然的,虽然英语成绩不是太理想,但是从几年的学习过程中也领会了一些怎样应用策略的方法,如何学习才能更家对英语有兴趣。最终学好英语一定要多下功夫。应做到“四勤”与“四多”,具体说来,有以下几点: 一、“四勤” 1.勤背诵。 2.勤朗读。 3.勤练习。 4.勤总结。 积极记忆课本中出现的生词及词组,理解其用法,并适当运用一些正、反义词对比,相似词对比等方式加强记忆。相对于其它学科来说,英语的知识点相当零碎,一定要在平时的收集、整理、总结上下功夫。平时听老师提到或是在参考书上看到的一些零碎的小知识都要及时记录下来,以备以后复习时用。 二、“四多” 1.多看。 2.多听。 3.多说。 4.多练。 近年来英语试题的难度逐渐增大,试题的触角涉及到日常生活的各个领域,因此,从高一开始就应尽可能地扩大阅读面,广泛阅读,以求开阔视野,并在潜移默化中提高自己的英文水平。培养敏锐的语感将有助于增强辨析力和判断力,是英语学习过程中十分重要的一环。多说可以增强口语能力,加深记忆,使学过的知识清晰地映在脑海里,不容易被忘记。通过做大量的习题,可以增强实践经验,不至于临阵发慌,手足无措。 具体实行方案如: 1.最重要是单词,开学之时制定个计划,准备在什么时候把第几课的单词背熟,如果可能尽早把所有单词记得滚瓜烂熟,要是不行至少在每一节上课之前把此课的单词记熟。 2.每天至少看30分钟的课文,哪一篇都好(前提是单词读熟),以娱乐的心态去进行,不要当作苦差,如果坚持不了至少一周看三次,在读的时候慢慢培养速度,当然这是在读的质量有保证的前提下。 3.买英语系列磁带,每天坚持听一段时间,至少多长自己把握。 我认为,如果可以完全或80%地做到以上几点,学习英语就自然而然变成了一件乐事,既的到了提高有增强了自己的自主学习能力,我想这是我学习英语的收获! 篇二:大学英语学习总结 时光如梭,忙碌的一个学期又已经结束,回头看看这一学期的大学英语教学工作还是有不少值得总结的地方,现将本学期大学英语课程总结如下: 首先《大学英语》课程是高等院校各专业一门重要的必修基础课,它在为学生系统地打好必要的英语语言基础,培养学生英语应用能力方面起着重要作用;本课程一般是在大学本科一年级和二年级开设,它在使学生树立正确的英语语言学习态度,掌握较为科学的语言学习方法,培养独立获取语言知识的能力,以便为以后进一步的英语学习打下良好的基础。 本学期是大学英语学习的第四个学期,也是大学英语教学的最后一学期。在本学期我本人继续承担本院建工系给排水0701和给排水0702两个班的英语教学任务。在前三册教学的基础上,本学期我一如既往地严格按照外语系的规定认真组织教学,课前认真备课,撰写教案,复印四级考试资料并细心讲解以便帮助更多的同学通过大学英语四级考试。由于英语课是一门实践性较强的课程,因此我不断探寻和改进学习方法,课堂上我的教学方法灵活,能够更好地调动学生们的英语学习兴趣。课堂上增强与学生的互动,较多的使用英语教学,给学生创造了英语学期的环境。课堂上我采用多种教学方法使学生参与进来,如speech,discussion,questioning and answering,role-paly,实用口语等,本学期我继续要求每一节课由一位学生做三分钟的英语演讲,演讲的内容和题材不限,鼓励自己写稿,通过几个学期的训练学生们的写作和口语能力都有了明显的提高。课间我耐心与学生交流帮助解决他们在学期上的困惑,帮助他们改进英语学习方法。课后我认真批改学生的作业,每一份作业都仔细批阅,指出错误所在,并就一些共同的问题给学生们统一讲解。 本学期是大学二年级的最后一个学期,也是一个非常重要的学期因为大多数的同学在学期末都还要继续参加全国大学英语四级考试,为了帮助同学们在四级考试中取得较好的成绩,我在教学过程中一方面强化词汇,语法等语言基础知识同时有针对性地训练他们的应试能力和应试技巧。如本学期的英语课堂教学中我继续加强大学英语四级考试的辅导,给学生们为准备四级考试提供了有益的建议和指导。在具体的教学环节中将四级考试的'内容渗透在日常教学中,如从第二学期起我就要求学生加强对四级考试写作的训练,每次的作业都是针对四级考试写作部分的。通过近三个学期的写作专项训练学生们的写作能力也有了明显的提高。四级考试题目听力部分的分值比重较大而且也是同学们共同的弱项,因此在听力课上我主要针对短对话长对话短文和听写能题型的训练,此外还加强对阅读和完型填空的训练。在本学期最后的几周里我积极响应系的要求,给学生复印了八套四级考试真题和模拟考试题,每一套题我都认真详细讲解,为大多数同学参加四级考试做好了充分的准备。通过外语系、我本人以及同学们的共同努力,我相信他们在本学期的四级考试中上次未通过四级考试的大部分同学一定会考出他们心中的理想成绩的。 在本学期的英语教学中尽管有一些进步和成绩但是还有一些不足之处,这些需要在以后的教学过程中进一步加强。通过本次期末考试来看,不难看出学生们的基础还不够扎实,尤其是听力和词汇方面。因此在以后的教学过程中还要继续加强对学生基本工的训练,提高应试能力。 篇三:大学英语学习总结 在大学的生活里,对于非英语专业的学生来说,英语的学习强度并不高,课程安排少,老师几乎不加以辅导,更别说习题作业了,许多同学都深感到学习英语的茫然和无所适从,而且大学里还需要通过英语四级考试,这对许多学生来说无疑是一个挑战,有的同学学习英语仅仅靠手头的4、6级词汇,可是却没有什么显著地效果,尤其是许多同学背词汇根本坚持不下去。大学生该怎样学英语提高自己的学习效率呢? 下面详细讲解大学生学习英语的方法。 首先,大学英语学习不像中学时期有外在“压迫”的条件,线话英语的老师建议考生必须先改*度,认清情况,主动求学。每次上课前可预习课文,通读若干遍,直到基本了解文章大意为止。随时标出新单词,找一本可靠的英汉双解词典,仔细查阅生词和短语,做笔记。查阅时注意尽量先看词典对该词的英文解释,再看例句,遇到动词或动词短语尤其要注意。笔记不仅包括释义,例句和搭配也很重要。这一步耗时越长,效果越显着。 其次,上课应当及时补充笔记,学习中心思想,了解行文结构,欣赏文体风格。接下来,再朗读文章若干遍,然后整理笔记,主动记忆典型例句。当然,这并不是说大学英语的学习仅限于书本内容,我们可进行拓展性学习,上网搜索相关主题的英语文章,广泛阅读。主题相关,则单词多相近,重复几率高,多读几遍,既长见识,又熟单词,更增信心。如感兴趣,还可自行编辑专题,效果亦佳。 最后大学英语课本是为应付考试的直接有效途径,但要全面提升听、说、读、写能力,还远远不够,就要行灵活变通、寓学于乐的学习方式,全面跟英语亲密接触。听力,以教程为本,需要精听,即听到完全理解无障碍为止,听五十遍也在所不惜。听英文歌曲、听俗语、听习惯用语都可。也可边看英文影视剧,听其中的场景对话,同时还能了解异国文化。说的方式则很多,不仅限与参加学校的英语角,即使是自言自语、高声朗诵、角色扮演等,还可多参加公众英语演讲等活动。泛读对于提高考生的英语能力是非常重要的,要提高阅读能力就必须经常读一些文章,阅读时要注意方法,有意识地提高阅读速度,阅读材料可以是书本的经典美文,也可是英语报刊杂志,甚至英语原版名著。 ;
在大学的工作学习中,我们经常会写一些 总结 来汇报自己的工作学习情况。就此问题,以下就是我为你准备的大学英语 学习总结 英文,供你学习使用。
大学 英语学习 总结英文篇1
learning summary
a month had gone, but i felt that my gains were very little.
in this month, i read some documents whose topics were labor relations, i found that a lot of were very similar, and some of them were so difficult that i could not understand them. at present, the labor relations in our country is not very harmonious, especially when the contract law had changed. i think the main problems the about labor relations are as follows: firstly, it is that the quality and legal awareness of the bosses and staffs were not very high, because of these a lot of disputes had happened. secondly, the laws in our country were not overall, as a result, the numbers of the contradictions were increased. thirdly, the government did not respect for the law enforcement, in some provinces, the government did not given the enterprises who had did some wrong things in order to their rapid economic development. i will spend a lot of time on them next month.
in this month, i got up at 6:40am and read english about an hour every morning. besides this, i spent more than an hour on listening to the new concept english .my english is very poor, i hope that i can improve my oral and listening english according to these.
at last, i think that i have not found a correct way to carry out my study, i must change this situation timely.
1. True learning English a number of qualifications such as the deep of the teachers said, "interest is the best teacher." If you do not have the slightest interest in English, then English will not really very good score. Some time ago, and before meeting with old classmates and talk to the English, she said that he totally not interested in English, see English on the bored to death, I think this is bad a lot of English Student of the biggest questions facing. Look at me, very interesting study of language is one thing, by studying another language you not only have different languages and people's ability to communicate, but also to expand their horizons, there is joy of life to understand other cultures. In my efforts to find enjoyment in learning English, so that in life you will pay attention to all things English, television, advertising, film, street signs, road signs ... ... ... you will find in English on our side, are true, not lies.
2. I do not learn English "back" word. I always object to the word back, high school reading to see a large number of students a word list with a letter to back letters of words, I do not know they did not back stand back, but I am certain that, even so you back, back the living, back in quickly, then you must also forget quickly, but it is very difficult to use these words very well. In my opinion the right way to remember the words to memory through the article, as many articles or paragraphs of the article into the capacity to improve your reading, studying grammar, word memory is very useful. Article in the new words you do not know, you can check, and I want to emphasize that you should check very carefully, then put the word pronunciation, meaning, often with a note of as much as possible, and then on the article, the sentence re - re-read so well.
3. I never learn English, "learn" grammar. Now, ask me what are you Appositive, what is the attributive clause, my answer could be very difficult, I very much to these questions are not interested in grammar, which may be a lot of students are not interested. How can we not then have to study grammar, but also on the statement of the right to judge them? My solution is still the article watch many, read many articles, chapters of the article into a paragraph can be said that all the elements are the best source of study, but also the ultimate purpose of our study, if we study the better, can eat into some articles into a beautiful section of the article must also bear witness to our success.
4. Pronunciation of the most important. Language learning, pronunciation and ultimately forever. Study our mother tongue through the same ten thousand thousands of times on the pronunciation and correct for, the study of all languages are such. My proposal, is my secret of success: to put a precise pronunciation of words. Some people wrongly think the most important grammar is, in fact, such ideas are wrong, the correct pronunciation, is the starting point for all language learning. If you can read a majority of the right words, then your ability to remember words, the ability to understand the article, the ability to grasp the grammar will have a greater degree of improve. Since these are all related to the issue of language sense.
5. To be read out. I strongly urge everyone to watch many articles, not just watch, you must have to want it more than try to read out, a little bit of common sense knows that an article, in order to put him in mind and understood, than simply read out the Vision watch a lot of want a lot of faster. At the same time, you will also read out the spoken pronunciation have better help. There is a lot of us are just learning English as a mixed put check diploma, diploma means, do not really want to use them, but I want to tell you, this is the case now that you want, and there have been some, then why not put Learn English in the most likely to use that part of it away? That is colloquial pronunciation. English and may be able to understand simple spoken answer will be helpful later on in life you Oh!
6. To believe in themselves. Can have trust in their own learning these things, even the most difficult on the Chinese world will be able to say their memorization, and not to mention it just in English. Sometimes we would do this and ultimately, the health of the spirit of the Arab-Israeli q.
Well, I hope my words can help them to everyone! After all, each person is different, my usefulness of these methods on their own, and not necessarily to others useful only from the U.S. to find something to fit their own, I am very pleased, thank you.
on christmas eve XX, a group of 9 postgraduates under the supervision of 4 formal staffs in china financial service group ltd. (cfsg) traveled to dafushan park for 2 main purposes: enjoying the beautiful nature scenery, and learning teamwork skills.
the 9 postgraduates were actually on the 4th day of their orientation programme in cfsg, they are about to graduate with master degree from top un iversities around different places, passed 3 levels of interviews, finally they were considered as candidates with the opportunity of 2 months’ orientation programme. candidates were taken care by the 4 staffs in the cfsg, who are the trainers from the human resource department. after an hours’ driving, the team arrived dafushan park in the south of guangzhou. i was one of the candidates.
then we hired bicycles and ride either in pairs or individually in the park. although it was in winter, the weather was perfectly fine, sunny and warm. the sky was rrrwm blue, the sunshine was nice, and wind was gentle. after 20 minutes’ riding, we arrived a place by a lake; there were flowers nearby; colours like red, green and yellow unfolded a beautiful nature.
despite enjoying such fascinating views, we started the 1st part of the teamwork learning: efficient communication. the group were divided into 5 pairs, 2 members in each pair, one in each pair was required to cover his/her eyes with an eye patch, and the other had the task of guiding his/her partner with voice and body communication. then lisa who is one of the trainers walked randomly, each pair was required to follow lisa’s step in round one. however, in round two each pair member changed their position, following all the same rules but without the aid of body touch. all pairs performed well in round one; while in round two, some fell down and some finished the task quite satisfactorily. we discussed our own understanding through the experiment, and we concluded the importance of efficient communication in terms of achieving overall team objective. when playing as a leader, correct and immediate information should be provided in accordance of specific conditions. when being leaded, mutual trust as well as accepting the information what the leader provided should be put ahead of everything. based on such concept, the one who is being leaded can, from some extent make more formal decision. however, compared to round one with the assistance of body communication; in round two, when there is no guider beside, cooperation became quite tough, leaders are suggested to think about the position of the one being leaded.
we had a special bbq in the park. females were responsible for preparing the food, and males set up the fire. we ate food and drank beverage, smiling, and joking so happily. after the bbq, we ride to another side in the park, where is even more comfortable than the place in the morning. and we were prepared to learn the other part of teamwork: what teamwork is.
xuxu who is also another trainer in cfgs announced the rule: initially, two people sit down back by back with their legs flatten, holding their arms tightly, without losing the arm connection or touching any area on the ground, they should stand up. and if they succeed, one more join in until the team cannot stand up. we observed that the first group can hardly stand up, it became much easier with few added in. however, when the number of the team members exceeded 9 or 10, standing up turned to be difficult again. we were lucky to learn the art of teamwork so completely: the trainers pointed out that, with a given task, a team is normally made up of more or equal than 3 people; with more people included in, coordinative work become complex, and even can influence the goal of the team. coordinated works involves in cooperation and even sacrifice.
on the way riding the car park, we came across with the view of the trees with their mirror in the river. we took snapshots with new friends met in these days in such wonderful sight. i regard it as another growth in my life after 6 year’s academic learning in the universities. also i become familiar with the meaning of teamwork, and how to be a team member. i believe i am prepared in the next step. thanks to cfgs, and the trainers in the human resource department.