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> 知识库 芦荟君 2025-01-08 19:19


淘汰的英文不是pass。pass的本意是通过,及格的意思,并没有被淘汰的意思。淘汰的英文是obsolete。obsolete英 [ˈɒbsəliːt] 美 [ˌɑːbsəˈliːt] adj.淘汰的;废弃的;过时的。vt.淘汰;废弃。n.废词;被废弃的事物。The army plans to phase out the equipment as it becomes obsolete.军队计划淘汰这些设备,因为它们已经报废了。This usage of the word is obsolete.这个词的此类用法已经废弃了。近义词:antiquated 英 ['æntɪkweɪtɪd]     美 ['æntɪkweɪtɪd]    adj. 陈旧的;过时的;古老的;废弃的。动词antiquate的过去式和过去分词。A train of antiquated coaches was waiting for us at the siding.一列陈旧的火车在侧线上等着我们。They attempted to modernise these antiquated industries, but in vain.他们企图使这些陈旧的工业现代化,结果劳而无功。


  淘汰是指留下好的,去掉不合适,保留合适的意思。优胜劣汰是大自然的规律法则,那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来淘汰的英语说法和例句,供大家参考学习。   淘汰的英语说法1:   eliminate   英 [iˈlimineit] 美 [ɪˈlɪməˌnet]   淘汰的英语说法2:   die out   英 [dai aut] 美 [daɪ aʊt]   淘汰的英语说法3:   be sifted out   淘汰相关英语表达:   雌雄淘汰 sexual selection   定向淘汰 directional selection   社会淘汰 social selection   逆淘汰 Adverse Selection   淘汰出局 Elimination outgoing   淘汰英语说法例句:   她在比赛的第一轮比赛中遭淘汰。   She went out in the first round of the tournament/went out of the tournament in the first round.   太阳队在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了。   The Sun Team was washed out in the first round.   只有通过淘汰它的对手,马克思主义才能淘汰自己。   Only by superannuating its opponent can it superannuate itself.   征兵站把身体不合格的人统统淘汰了。   The recruiting station bed out all those those who were physically unfit.   她们都很努力,就怕被淘汰。   They have made great efforts for fear of elimination.   如果没有知识我们就不能立足于社会,会被社会所淘汰,   Without knowledge we can not exist in the society and will be obsolete.   这个测验是用来淘汰不适合的求职者。   The test is used to filter out candidates who may be unsuitable.   我队在第一轮比赛中就被淘汰。   Our team was eliminated from the petition in the first round.   这种帽子已淘汰了。   This sort of hat is out of fashion.   招聘经理有时可以立即淘汰应聘者,因为他们过界做了些完全不合适的事。   Sometimes hiring managers can eliminate a candidate immediately because they've crossed the line and done something pletely inappropriate 。   最近的一次经历发生在2007年,当时,他所领导的部门遭遇淘汰。之后,他拒绝了几次晋升的机会,跑到公司创办的企业大学里干起了一份低薪工作。   Most recently, in2007, when his department was eliminated, he turned down a couple of promotions to take a lower-paying staff job in his employer's corporate university.   许多分析师相信,在行业整合的过程中,将有几十家车企、几十个车型遭到淘汰&正如美国汽车市场在20世纪上半叶经历过的情况。   Many *** ysts are convinced that dozens of panies and brands will die out in an industry shake-out, much as happened in the US car industry in the first half of the 20th century.   遗憾的是,随着乌拉圭在当地时间周六6月28日被哥伦比亚淘汰出局,本届世界杯决赛将不再是巴西和乌拉圭之间的再次对话。   Unfortunately, there won't be a 2014 rematch between Brazil and Uruguay, as the latter was eliminated on Saturday.   中国队之前只有一次出现在奥运赛场上,即1988年汉城奥运会。当时中国队在小组赛中被淘汰,一球未进。   In its only other appearance at the games, it was eliminated the group stage in Seoul1988 without scoring a goal.   我可以胜任任何工作,韩佳悦说:但就因为我是女生所以在最终一轮面试时被淘汰出局。   I was qualified for everything, said Han. But I got eliminated in the final interview because I am a woman.
